魔鏡歌詞網 > 其他歌手 > 電影原聲帶 > 芝加哥[Chicago] > We Both Reached for the Gun




We Both Reached for the Gun

Artist:Christine Baranski/Cleve Asbury/Shaun Amyot

[REPORTERS]Where'd you come from?
[BILLY (as Roxie)]Mississippi
[REPORTERS]And your parents?
[BILLY (as Roxie)]Very wealthy.
[REPORTERS]Where are they now?
[BILLY (as Roxie)]Six feet under.
[BILLY]But she was granted one more start
[BILLY (as Roxie)]The convent of The Sacred Heart!
[REPORTERS]When'd you get here?
[BILLY (as Roxie)]1920
[REPORTERS]How old were you?
[BILLY (as Roxie)]Don't remember
[REPORTERS]Then what happened?
[BILLY (as Roxie)]I met Amos
And he stole my heart away
Convinced me to elope one day
[MARY SUNSHINE (spoken)]A convent girl! A run-away marriage!
oh, it's too terrible. You poor, poor dear.

[REPORTERS]Who's Fred Casely?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]My ex-boyfriend.

[REPORTERS]Why'd you shoot him?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]I was leavin'.

[REPORTERS]Was he angry?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]Like a madman
Still I said, 'Fred, move along.'

[BILLY]She knew that she was doin' wrong.

[REPORTERS]Then describe it.

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
He came toward me.

With a pistol?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
From my bureau.

Did you fight him?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
Like a tiger.

He had strength and she had none.

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
And yet we both reached for the gun
Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes we both
Oh yes we both
Oh yes, we both reached for
The gun, the gun, the gun, the gun
Oh yes, we both reached for the gun
For the gun.

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes they both
Oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both reached for
The gun, the gun, the gun, the gun,
Oh yes, they both reached for the gun
for the gun.

understandable. understandable
Yes, it's perfectly understandable
Comprehensible. Comprehensible
Not a bit reprehensible
It's so defensible!

How're you feeling?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
Very frightened

Are you sorry?

Are you kidding?

What's you're statement?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
All I'd say is
Though my choo-choo jumped the track
I'd give my life to bring him back


[BILLY (as Roxie)]
Stay away from


[BILLY (as Roxie)]
Jazz and liquor


[BILLY (as Roxie)]
And the men who


[BILLY (as Roxie)]
Play for fun

And what?

[BILLY (as Roxie)]
That's the thougt that


[BILLY (as Roxie)]
Came upon me


[BILLY (as Roxie)]
When we both reached for the gun!

Understandable, understandable

Yes, it's perfectly understandable
Comprehensible, comprehensible
Not a bit reprehensible
It's so defensible!

[BILLY (spoken)]
Let me
Hear it!

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both reached for
The gun, the gun, the gun,
The gun
Oh yes, they both reached
For the gun

[BILLY (spoken)]
A little louder!

For the Gun.
Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both reached
For the gun, the gun,

[BILLY (spoken)]
Now you got it!

The gun,the gun
Oh yes. They both reached
For the gun
For the gun.

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both reached for
The gun, the gun, the gun,the gun
Oh yes, they both reached for the gun.

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both
Oh yes, reached for
The gun, the gun, the gun,the gun
The gun, the gun, the gun,the gun
The gun, the gun, the gun,the gun
The gun, the gun, the gun,the gun.

Both reached for the...gun

The gun, the gun, the gun,the gun
The gun, the gun, the gun,the gun
The gun, the gun, the gun,the gun
The gun, the gun, the gun,the gun
Both reached for the gun.

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